Up To 30% Off Racks & Rigs

Up To 30% Off Racks & Rigs

Gear Up for EOFY 2024: Save Up to 30% Off Racks & Rigs

The End of Financial Year (EOFY) 2024 brings fantastic opportunities to upgrade your gym setup with versatile equipment. Our EOFY sale includes up to 30% off on racks and rigs, making it the perfect time to enhance your training space and take your workouts to the next level. Racks and rigs are essential for serious strength training and can help transform your home gym into a versatile training powerhouse.

Why Racks and Rigs Are Essential for Strength Training

Racks and rigs offer stability, versatility, and safety for...

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Gear Up for EOFY 2024: Save Up to 30% Off Racks & Rigs

The End of Financial Year (EOFY) 2024 brings fantastic opportunities to upgrade your gym setup with versatile equipment. Our EOFY sale includes up to 30% off on racks and rigs, making it the perfect time to enhance your training space and take your workouts to the next level. Racks and rigs are essential for serious strength training and can help transform your home gym into a versatile training powerhouse.

Why Racks and Rigs Are Essential for Strength Training

Racks and rigs offer stability, versatility, and safety for heavy lifting. Here’s why they are essential:


Racks and rigs provide a safe environment for performing exercises like squats and bench presses, minimizing the risk of injury.


They can be used for a variety of exercises, including squats, pull-ups, bench presses, and more.

Progressive Training

With adjustable safety bars and weight holders, racks and rigs allow for gradual progression in strength training.


Keep your gym tidy and organized with racks and rigs that provide storage for barbells and weight plates.

Our EOFY 2024 Racks and Rigs Collection

Our collection includes a range of racks and rigs to suit different training needs and spaces:

Power Racks

Power racks offer a complete solution for heavy lifting, featuring adjustable safety bars, pull-up bars, and weight storage.

Squat Racks

These racks are designed specifically for squats and other lower-body exercises, offering stability and safety.

Half Racks

Half racks provide a more compact alternative to power racks while still offering versatility and stability.

Rig Systems

Rig systems are modular setups that can be customized to include various workout stations, perfect for CrossFit and functional training.

Foldable Racks

Foldable racks are perfect for home gyms with limited space, as they can be easily folded away when not in use.

Choosing the Right Rack or Rig

When selecting a rack or rig, consider your training needs and available space:

Fitness Goals

Understand your primary fitness objectives to choose the right equipment, whether for powerlifting, CrossFit, or general strength training.

Space Availability

Choose a rack or rig that fits well in your gym space, considering ceiling height and floor area.


With up to 30% off, you can find racks and rigs that fit your budget and meet your workout needs.


Look for specific features like adjustable safety bars, pull-up bars, and weight storage to match your workout preferences.

Quality and Durability

Ensure the equipment is constructed with durable materials and components for long-term use.

Tips for Effective Training with Racks and Rigs

Maximize your workouts with these tips:

Warm-Up Properly

Start with a warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for exercise.

Focus on Technique

Maintaining proper form ensures safe and effective workouts, especially when lifting heavy weights.

Utilize Safety Features

Make full use of the safety bars and spotter arms to prevent accidents and injuries.

Incorporate Variety

Use the versatility of racks and rigs to mix up your exercises and avoid plateaus.

Maintain the Equipment

Regularly clean and inspect your equipment to ensure it remains in optimal condition.

Benefits of Purchasing Racks and Rigs During the EOFY Sale

The EOFY sale provides a fantastic opportunity to invest in racks and rigs:

Cost Savings

With up to 30% off, you can expand your gym setup with high-quality equipment at a reduced price.

Versatile Workouts

Racks and rigs provide the foundation for a wide range of exercises, enhancing your training options.

Long-Term Investment

A well-made rack or rig offers years of reliable use, making it a wise long-term investment in your health.


The EOFY 2024 sale is the ideal time to upgrade your gym setup with racks and rigs. With up to 30% off, you can enhance your training space and reach your fitness goals more effectively. Racks and rigs are essential for serious streng

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